Saturday, November 21, 2009
To live would be an awfully big adventure
I want to go to Africa. There is an opportunity to work on a wildlife preserve south of Kruger National Park, and I think I'm going to do it.
Do I come back?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Story I wrote that will be in the last week issue of Nov for the Cook Straight News
Be A Christmas Star
Andrew Routt
IN NEED: Father Des Britten holds this program close to heart, and holds the empty boxes out to show the need for donations.
DONATE: Find these golden boxes throughout the city to place your donation of toys, games, or foodstuffs.
The Wellington City Mission is normally the first group to lend a hand; now, they need you to lend them one.
Their annual “Be A Star” program, in which they donate presents to worse of families in need of help to put presents under the tree, has hit a snag.
By this time last year, the Mission would already have over 400 boxes of gifts out to needy families. According to Dan Boyd, the Special Events Organiser, they are only two-thirds of the way to their goal.
“Wellingtonians are always so generous and give so much with our Christmas boxes,” says Fr. Britten. “I’m sure they can pull together and get the campaign really humming.”
This program is put on by extremely dedicated individuals who work their hardest to help those in need throughout the Greater Wellington area. The Wellington City Mission targets from Cook Straight to Porirua, so donating a new toy, game, or foodstuff to the boxes throughout the city will be helping the entire city.
With the program set to kick off next week, they will be driving around in their decorated “Breeze Bus,” which is a GO Wellington city bus decked out in full Christmas regalia, they need help from all possible donations as soon as possible.
Corporate Businesses and organizations are being asked to contact The City Mission if they can help, with many different ways possible.
Fr. Britten and the entire staff at the Wellington City Mission are passionate about making sure as many children throughout the area are able to celebrate Christmas like the rest of us are able to, and are asking for your help.
For more information about the Wellington City Mission, visit: