Thursday, March 05, 2009


Here is an article I wrote for Professor Knippenberg for my Columns & Reviews class:

President Obama is being heralded as the answer to this nations woes of economic misery and misfortune. According to exit polls after the election, people believe the economy of the United States is saved thanks to the budget plans and stimulus bills that Obama is going to institute during his presidency. He has even gone so far as to promise that he will halve the federal deficit by 2013.
Out of 213,186 viewers who voted on the poll on, only 84,328 people actually believe the promise Obama laid out in his presidential address. That’s just under 40 percent, compared to 60 percent of the poll voters who think he will not be able to accomplish that lofty goal.
The stimulus bill that was just signed into action under President Obama is putting near 780 billion dollars into certain aspects of the nations economy and industries. He is also seeking nearly 200 million dollars of the populace’s tax dollars to spend on war, even though one of his main campaign pledges was to halt spending in the Middle East, and pull our troops out of this war. This stimulus plan is being harkened as a horrible idea by most GOP senators, with a resounding call that Barack is not doing a very good job in his infantile presidency. The stock market, having been riding an ever steady rollercoaster of ups and downs actually fell the day that the democratic aid bill was signed into action, with fear of over-flooding the market.
Republicans have been issuing statements regarding the President’s plan, saying it was laden with too much in government spending, and not enough action towards tax cuts; of which Obama praised he would devout his first term in office to securing. "Democratic leaders in Washington, they place their hope in the federal government," said Bobby Jindal. Governor of Louisiana "We [Republicans] place our hope in you, the American people."
Obama added, after his address and “Financial Responsibility Summit”, that “If we agree on 90 percent of this stuff and we’re spending all of our time on television arguing about one, two, three percent,” he said, “that starts to sound a little like politics.” This was in regard to the GOP, and what he and his supporters called “line-item knitpicking”.


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